"Gender-Pitched Advertising"

Title: "Gender-Pitched Advertising"
Category: /Business & Economy/Marketing and Advertising
Details: Words: 600 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
"Gender-Pitched Advertising"
"Gender-Pitched Advertising" In today's consumer-oriented society, ad agencies often ask "What makes an effective ad for a man or for a woman?" Gender has been and continues to be one of the biggest factors in advertising and marketing. Gender is frequently used as a basis for segmentation for a significant proportion of products and services. To successfully implement such segmentation, marketers and advertisers need to understand how men and women process marketing information, judge products, …showed first 75 words of 600 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 600 total…advertisements directed toward women."(Barhtel 150) Aside from the advertisers themselves, there's nobody who cares as much about the imagery in advertising as those who find themselves stereotyped or rendered invisible by it. Works Cited Putrevu, Sanjay. "Implications for Advertisers". Academy of Marketing Science Review. 2001. http://www.amsreview.org/articles/putrevu2001.pdf Barthel, Diane. " A Gentleman and a Consumer". Signs of Life in the USA. 3rd ed. Eds. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford, 2002. 149-159.

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