How would the rate of reaction of Bisodel tablet affected by temperature?

Title: How would the rate of reaction of Bisodel tablet affected by temperature?
Category: /Science & Technology/Chemistry
Details: Words: 1932 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
How would the rate of reaction of Bisodel tablet affected by temperature?
Introduction Rate of reaction is a measurement of the speed of reaction. There are many factors that could affect the rate of reaction. e.g. Concentration of the solution, temperature, surface area, catalyst, air pressure and stirring, etc. I decided to choose temperature as my changing variables to investigate the rate of reaction. Bisodel Tablet Bisodel tablet is mainly made up of calcium carbonate, which is alkali. It is used when people having stomachache or …showed first 75 words of 1932 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1932 total…instead of 10 degree so that it would be easier to find errors in each temperature and a better curve would be drawn. 3)If experiment were carrying out by computers, the volume of hydrochloric acid would be measured more accurate. Also, the machine can also detect whether the tablet is totally dissolved and stop automatically. It can also reduce the man-made error. 4)Increasing the number of experiments could allow much more figures to calculate the averages.

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