Q. What are the tactical or strategic reasons for resorting to terrorism?

Title: Q. What are the tactical or strategic reasons for resorting to terrorism?
Category: /Law & Government/Military
Details: Words: 709 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Q. What are the tactical or strategic reasons for resorting to terrorism?
Reasons for resorting to terrorism vary as much as the types of people who commit terrorist acts. Terrorism generates psychological fear beyond the immediate act. Terrorist acts are a powerful medium because they undermine the rules of the state and international society. This essay will define terrorism before the strategic and tactical motivations behind terrorist acts will be discussed. Terrorism is increasingly becoming defined for society by the media. The ambiguity of the term has …showed first 75 words of 709 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 709 total…international community, and allows for a message to be sent and received. Terrorism occurs for varying reasons, in varying manners and with varying objectives. It is not a random assault on society, but a strategic and tactical attack. REFERENCES: Hoffman, Bruce. 1998. Inside Terrorism. Great Britain: Indigo. Richmond, Oliver. 2003. " Realizing Hegemony? Symbolic Terrorism and the Roots of Conflict. " Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. 26. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis: 289 - 309 Wilkinson, Paul. 1977. Political Terrorism. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

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