The National Probation Service and Modernisation.

Title: The National Probation Service and Modernisation.
Category: /Law & Government
Details: Words: 3549 | Pages: 13 (approximately 235 words/page)
The National Probation Service and Modernisation.
During the course of discussing the chosen topic area, (Probation Service and Modernisation) I will examine the role of the Probation Service and/or the role of Probation Officers. I will outline the key objectives of the NPS. By looking at the history of the NPS I will be able to evaluate the contribution made by the NPS to the Criminal Justice Service. With reference to this question I shall then examine and analyse key …showed first 75 words of 3549 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 3549 total…R, Haines, K, The Criminal Justice System: A Central Role For The Probation Service, (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1989) The United Kingdom Parliament, Written Answers to Questions [14 Dec 1999], Visited 1/5/03, URL: Vass A, Alternatives to Prison: Punishment, Custody and the Community, Sage Publications Ltd, London, (1990) West Yorkshire Probation Service, 2000/2001 Annual Report to the Home Office, (West Yorkshire Probation Service, Wakefield, 2001)

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