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Letter "S" » Scott Bullock Quotes
«It seems like it is simply a desperate attempt by a nearly broke organization to try to come up with more funds to perpetuate its own existence.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«It's not only a slap in the face to the governor and the legislature, but it's a case of the NLDC breaking their word.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«They had agreed explicitly that they would not move forward with these condemnations, ... They don't have any new condemnations.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«The NLDC's actions are breathtaking in their arrogance and defiance of the wishes of Governor Rell and Connecticut's legislature, ... The NLDC is an unelected, unaccountable body that has been given the government's eminent domain power and is out of control.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«We appreciate the willingness of Trafton Properties to consider donating land to MaineGeneral Medical Center and/or sell land at a discounted price if improved access to I-95 is provided. We will contact you if we have interest in developing the site in the future,»
Author: Scott Bullock
«There are many reasons to support an alternative site,»
Author: Scott Bullock
«Our major benefactor, Harold Alfond, (would like the cancer center completed) as soon as possible,»
Author: Scott Bullock
«The states have already made quite amazing efforts to reign in eminent domain abuse, ... We hope and expect that state and local governments will continue to create strong safeguards against unchecked confiscation of property. After all, the Supreme Court has placed it entirely in the hands of state and local governments to ensure that eminent domain is not abused for private profit.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«every city has problems and wants more tax revenues.»
Author: Scott Bullock
«Without any limits on the government's eminent domain power, every home, church, or corner store»
Author: Scott Bullock

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